Press releases


Press releases
Topics Newark, Newark Eagles, Negro leagues, Baseball, Baseball teams, Negro National League, African Americans
Collection npleagles; newarkpubliclibrary; americana
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No title. NNL publicity.

From NNL Bureau for immediate release and ti

WASHING TON—The Newark beagles and New York Cub ns were
deudlocked for the Negro National league lesd as the tesms mond
into the fourth wesk in the pennant race on liondzy.

The #agles, unbeaten in le © competition until sundey;
wore rudely jolted from the undisputed ad by thc Eeltimere blite
Giants, who scored a double victory over thi Birds, 4-3 end 5-3,
beforé 6,000 at Nuwark’s kuppert Stadium.

While the Saglcs’ wings were buing clipped, the Cubens

wore dividing a twin bill with the New York Black Yunkces, winning,
1, then losing, 1-2, bifore 7,000 who braved th i

in New Yor Yunkce Stadium. Ihe Cubans, howcv.r, had geinoua two
mid-wiek triumphs, dufveting th. Llitcs at timor., 4-1, on
Wednesduyy, ana the Grays, 7-6, at Nashington, Thurs
The lutte r game, a twilight affair, wes collud in the 6th b. cause
of darknisss

at Washington, Sundsy, the Grays blanked the Philly
Stars, 470, ufter taking ketx thir third straight hope dufvet, 7-2,
from the quukur City outfit in the opening gemi before 64500 in
Griffith dium. @arlicr in the wok, th. Gr had downed the
Stars, 5-2, before 11,000 in a night gem ot Shibu Park, maintaining
«500 averuge in the loop standings.

(nly one other game was pley:à during the wk, the Grays
und Eagles battling to u g tic in innings et Neuwerk lest
Tusdsy night. Rain cuused à halt to play in the seventh, while all
othur contests schudulkd wore oanovllid b.cuuse of rain.

The blitest double win saw Lcon Bay, News rk 3. his
first gamo egainst two. loop wins as Jo ck be ot i
scven=inni a toap, aft.r Bill Byrd had outpitched ie n Hookur enà
Mex Manning in the first tilt.

a four-hit hurling job by y Secntl aed ehcckud the
Yenkeucs in the first game at New Yo ` ; latins pounded
Schoolboy Gri h for 11 bingle ghicap, Neck Ste nluy,
veteran. spitballur, nosed out a
that Luis Tiunt limited the Yanks
were nick Stanley for six.

In the washing ton
righthund uc, besst u five
fray, but the NNL chewpions roar N
in the sccond gut. t ing int by rooki
26-yur-old nulvigh, N. ogee, Job by
Leublvéuty ruäcliffi, wi ing by Josh Gibson end
Jerry Benj n turned a B.rnuy Brown
thc fifth inning wi h proved wnough


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